
Mercat del Ram

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Mercat del Ram

This year the Mercat del Ram arrives with many new features. On March 26, 27 and 28 the city of Vic will celebrate the agricultural and livestock tradition with multiple activities and exhibitions, and some of them will have new locations such as the Parc Jaume Balmes and the Passeig Pep Ventura.

The Fairground will continue to be the epicentre of livestock activity. Morphological competitions, demonstrations, exhibition of animals and a whole set of activities aimed at families, which are mainly located within La Casa de Pagès, a recreation of a farmhouse to show visitor life in the countryside by means of activities, workshops and exhibitions.

Another important change is the new location of the Equestrian Exhibition, which this year will not be in the sports area but in the area of El Sucre. Here are organized activities such as Horse ball, high school dressage exhibitions, a children's carrousel, a pony's circuit or the V Equestrian Raid of Vic.

Professionals of the agricultural sector will also have their space with the Europorc Journey on Wednesday, April 1, to deal about Transicions and engreixos. Com afrontem la situació després de la reducció dels antibiòtics. (Transitions and fattening. How we face the situation after the reduction of antibiotics).

Other outstanding activities are the Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and Industrial Vehicles, the Exhibition of Automobiles and the Exhibition of Renewable Energies, the Contest of Hot Air Balloons and the Contest of Fast Painting. On the other hand, throughout the weekend, the centre of Vic will host exhibitions of castellers, gegants, sardanes, or the Catalan bowling contest.