
North American PRRS Symposium - CANCELLED

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel, United States Google
North American PRRS Symposium - CANCELLED

Due to travel restrictions and hotel uncertainty this December caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we made the very difficult decision to cancel the onsite program for NA PRRS/NC-229 symposium previously scheduled for Saturday, December 5 in Chicago.

However, as an alternative approach for our NA PRRS/NC-229 members to share their latest research findings and develop collaborations, we are creating an NA PRRS/NC-229 compendium

To continue engaging the NA PRRS/NC-229 with the Conference of Research Workers on Animal Disease (CRWAD), we have co-organized a special symposium on ASF with CRWAD, which will be held as a virtual meeting on Saturday afternoon, December 5. Please join us online at