Taking advantage of events mid-March in Bangkok (VIV exhibition and Performance 2017 conference organised by LinkAsia Partners where 150 participants gathered), Animine invited its sales partners from Asia/Pacific for the 3rd Asian Distributors Meeting. A special focus was on CoRouge®, the new source of copper just approved in the EU. This formulated product contains 75% of copper (the highest in the market) with high bioavailability and positive effects on animal performance shown in European and US studies.
New results of HiZox®, were also presented, confirming the effect of this potentiated source of zinc oxide on intestinal health of piglets. In broilers, Animine highlighted latest studies from the University of Putra Malaysia and from Tehran University (Iran), showing better growth performance with HiZox® than with zinc sulphate and positive effects of HiZox® on broilers mortality under heat stress.

Animine welcomed two new sales partners: Suchiang and Peterlabs who will distribute Animine products respectively in Taiwan and Malaysia.
March 10, 2017 - Animine