In the same period litters became more uniform, the average birth weight increased by 12%, and litter size increased by an average of one piglet.
Fewer low-weight piglets and a higher uniformity have many benefits. Pre-weaning mortality is substantially reduced, which leads to less labor in the barn and better finisher results. The higher birth weight has a positive effect throughout the entire production.

It is often thought, and for many other genetics it is the case, that the birth weight decreases when litter size increases. With the balanced breeding program of Topigs Norsvin, the unique piglet weighing protocol, and state-of-the-art breeding goals this can be avoided. Topigs Norsvin sows are bred to cope with larger litter sizes and produce more uniform and heavier piglets. This leads to higher efficiency in the entire pork production.

June 20, 2017 - Topigs Norsvin