A second place can be both glorious and desirable. This includes for example Danish exports of pork to Germany which is our largest export market measured in volume. All markets have a preference for own production. This is also the fact in Germany. However, Denmark is the preferred foreign supplier according to German purchasers within the meat sector.
Good image
Danish pork has a good image in Germany. This is reflected in the image survey Danish Meat Association frequently performs in the primary export markets.
The latest survey, though, shows that when German purchasers within the processing industry and retail are asked who delivers the best pork, 66 per cent answered - as expected – Germany, while 21 per cent answered that Denmark delivers the best pork. And to the question who delivers the second best pork, 40 per cent answered Denmark. In this case 61 per cent of German purchasers think that Danish pork is best or second best. This is far more than Belgium and Holland being the closest foreign competitors in the German market.
Important purchase criteria
The good image is also emphasized by the purchasers’ opinion of Danish pork when it comes to the criteria they find most important.
The survey requests purchasers to state the purchase criteria they find most important - subsequently ranking Germany, Denmark, Belgium and Holland according to the degree of meeting these criteria.
Most important criteria for German purchasers are quality, freshness, cutting, reliability and punctuality of suppliers.