
AASV Recognizes 2019 Swine Practitioner of the Year

Dr William Hollis was named 2019 Swine Practitioner of the Year by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) during the association’s 50th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Dr. William Hollis
Dr. William Hollis
15 March 2019

The award is given to the swine practitioner who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of veterinary service to clients.

Dr Hollis was born in Bushnell, Illinois, where he attended high school. During 1986–1987, Hollis served as the Illinois FFA president, and the National FFA Vice President during 1988. He received a Bachelor of Science in agriculture and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1996) from the University of Illinois.

Hollis is currently a partner and veterinarian of Carthage Veterinary Service (CVS), which consults in over 10 U.S. states and provides consulting services in several other countries. In December 2018, Hollis was elected President of Professional Swine Management, the swine management service company he and other CVS patterners founded in 2000.

Recognized by his peers as demonstrating strong proficiency and effectiveness in veterinary service, Hollis understands what constitutes sound science and bases decisions on data and information analysis, diagnostic interpretation, and intervention planning and communication. As a farm management advisor, he strives to build client partnerships that are both sustainable and profitable, facilitates producer family and industry networking, and invests in farm and industry staff training.

Hollis is a Pork Quality Assurance Plus Advisor, served on the National Pork Producers Council Animal Health Food Security Policy Committee, and served on the National Pork Board’s Swine Health Committee. He has served on the American Veterinary Medical Association’s House of Delegates representing AASV, on the AASV Board of Directors representing District 5, and continues to serve on the AASV Animal Welfare and Operation Mainstreet Committees. Hollis is an active participant in the AASV/National Pork Board Operation Main Street project giving local presentations to raise awareness about modern pork production.

Asked to comment about receiving this award, Hollis replied, “This is a dream come true to be recognized by my peers in the industry. There have been many people in my life who have helped me continue to grow as a veterinarian and a business owner. My family has supported some crazy long days and time away. I really appreciate the recognition.”

Hollis and his wife, Brigit, who is also a veterinarian, have been married 23 years and reside in Hamilton, Illinois. They have an 18-year-old daughter, Bailey, and a 16-year-old son, Ben.

March 11, 2019 – AASV

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