The Antibiotic Guardian Awards, now in its fourth year, recognises and champions organisations and individuals who have demonstrated achievement in tackling antimicrobial resistance at a local, regional or national level. 210 healthcare, veterinary, academic and government professionals attended last night’s prestigious event hosted by Public Health England where 52 shortlisted nominees represented their entries across 11 award categories.
Their winning project The Antibiotic Monitoring and Reduction Programme – a cross industry project to drive down antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the UK, was selected by a panel of judges from a shortlist of 6 entries.
In the same category ForFarmers were highly commended and Pruex Ltd were commended.
Claire Hughes, Head of Corporate Affairs at AB Agri commented “We are delighted to be involved with this event. The awards acknowledge and celebrate the important work and achievements being made to combat antimicrobial resistance across the world, in both human and animal health sectors. It is great to see the range of initiatives being developed and we heartily congratulate the winners on their success last night and all the entrants for their efforts and contributions to this issue.
“Tackling antimicrobial resistance is a priority that AB Agri* actively supports. All our businesses work closely with our customers and academics, combining nutritional expertise with research and development to support improving animal health through nutrition innovation. We provide a range of practical support to help farmers with a variety of farm management practices including biosecurity, measurement of medicine and direct data transfer to improve accuracy and efficiency of data collection for the Electronic Medicine Book.
“AB Vista develop nutritional applications based on scientific insight. We refer to this as “feed intelligence” serving to provide an improved nutritional picture to the industry. This approach combined with our products contribute to strategies arising from the challenges created by the reduction and eventual removal of antibiotics.”
*AB Agri businesses include ABN, AB Vista, Primary Diets, Premier Nutrition and AB Sustain

28th June 2019 - AB Agri