
Animine: ABC-4 promoted at the 2024 Pig Feed Quality Conference

The interest of the concept of ABC-4 (Acid Binding Capacity) value has been highlighted in different technical presentations.

31 July 2024

The Pig Feed Quality Conference was organised this year in May and June in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). This attractive format blended a two-day live event and online presentations, with on-stage discussions following a total of 12 hours of streamed pre-recorded videos. Major themes in 2024 were factors affecting immunity, led by Dr Megan Edwards, Nutritionist at Integral Nutrition (Singapore), and piglet health through nutrition, led by Dr Theerawit Poeikhampha, Assistant Professor at Kasetsart University (Thailand).

The interest of the concept of ABC-4 (Acid Binding Capacity) value has been highlighted in different technical presentations. Gilles Langeoire, Pig Nutrition consultant (France), reviewed the nutritional risks from pharmacological levels of zinc oxide. This “false friend” limits the efficacy of phytase, reduces digestible phosphorous and calcium, and has the highest acid-neutralizing effect of all feed ingredients. G. Langeoire gave the example of Danish studies which showed that by manipulating feed formula, it is possible to get rid of medicinal dose of zinc oxide in diets for light piglets.

Dr Mike Tokach, Professor/Extension Specialist at Kansas State University (USA) explained the importance of considering ABC-4 values in formulating nursery diets. By lowering ABC-4 values to 200-250 meq/kg in phase 1 and to 250-300 meq/kg in phase 2 piglet feeds without pharmacological ZnO, positive effects on growth performance and fecal score were measured. In the combination of solutions that are available to get rid of excess ZnO, the use of potentiated zinc oxide (HiZox®, Animine) supports digestive health of weaned piglets. An experiment supervised by Kansas State University was carried out with four treatments in two phases: a positive control (3000/2000 mg/kg), HiZox® low (150/150 mg/kg), HiZox® medium (500-300 mg/kg), HiZox® high (800-500 mg/kg). Feed intake and body weight gain improved as HiZox® increased (p< 0.05, quadratic).

The most effective way to lower ABC-4 value in piglet diets is to replace pharmacological levels of standard zinc oxide by a potentiated zinc source supplemented at lower dosages.

July 29, 2024 - Animine

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