
ACMC - Bringing home the silver

An armful of trophies was taken by ACMC pigs at Yorkshire’s Hull Market Christmas Show. They were awarded for the Supreme pen of pigs, Reserve pen of pigs, Best pen of cutter pigs, Best pen of bacon pigs and the Best pen of commercial pigs.
11 December 2009
An armful of trophies was taken by ACMC pigs at Yorkshire’s Hull Market Christmas Show. They were awarded for the Supreme pen of pigs, Reserve pen of pigs, Best pen of cutter pigs, Best pen of bacon pigs and the Best pen of commercial pigs.

The Supreme pen of pigs, which gained the Hodgson Family Trophy, was won by a group of five 100 kg baconers sired by ACMC’s Vantage Extreme boar. The pigs came from ACMC’s Milner nucleus unit of Holmdale Farm, Fridaythorpe, Driffield, East Yorkshire. This group of pigs also gained Hill and Leonard Trophy for the Best pen of bacon pigs.

The Reserve pen of pigs, which gained the Dennis Dunn Trophy, was won by a pen of five 85 kg cutters, again from ACMC’s Milner unit, and also sired by ACMC’s Vantage Extreme boar. They also gained the Eric Wright Trophy for the Best pen of cutter pigs.

Dairy House Farm, Daisy Hill, Burstwick, near Hull gained the Best pen of commercial pigs with a pen of AC1 commercial gilts.

“The trophies demonstrate that these genetically-advanced animals can still be classed as a ‘farmer’s pig’ and appeal to an independent judge’s eye,” commented Malcolm Stead, ACMC’s production director. “It is very satisfying to see them lift so much silverware. Commercial farmers have access to exactly the same bloodlines from our Genebank through our AI service.”

ACMC’s managing director, Matthew Curtis, with trophies gained by ACMC pigs at Hull Market Christmas Show.


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