
ACMC stock for Spanish integrator

Against stiff international competition, British-based pig genetics company, ACMC Ltd, has won an order to supply one of Spain’s largest integrators with breeding stock.
9 March 2009
Against stiff international competition, British-based pig genetics company, ACMC Ltd, has won an order to supply one of Spain’s largest integrators with breeding stock. A new project will involve the setting up of a 500-sow high-health nucleus and nucleus multiplier herd in a deal worth 2¼ million Euros

The unit is being stocked by Genetica Meidam — ACMC’s Spanish arm based at Roitegui in the Basque region of northern Spain. When it comes on-stream it will be responsible for improved genetics in 200,000 slaughter pigs through the integration scheme.

The agreement follows a year of discussions and investigation by the integrator, including visits by senior vets to ACMC’s headquarters at Beeford in Yorkshire, and commercial units already using ACMC’s stock on the Iberian Peninsular.

The buyers were particularly impressed by the company’s scientific programme, involving the individual testing of both males and females, as well as the prolificacy of the Meidam stock on commercial units, said Eric Hindson, managing director of Genetica Meidam.

ACMC will be controlling the mating and testing programmes and providing PigCom, the Windows-based herd management system, as well as supplying genetically up-to-date semen and boars, which will be changed every 12 months.


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