
AgFeed Industries Enters Into Hog Genetic Program Arrangement with Hypor, the Pig Breeding Division of Hendrix Genetics B.V.

AgFeed Industries, Inc. (FEED), one of the largest independent hog production and animal nutrient companies in China, today announced its entry into a genetics program arrangement with Hypor, a Hendrix Genetics Company.
17 April 2009
AgFeed Industries, Inc. (FEED), one of the largest independent hog production and animal nutrient companies in China, today announced its entry into a genetics program arrangement with Hypor, a Hendrix Genetics Company. Hypor is world renowned as a leading provider of superior swine genetics and technology. Hypor has, over the past 50 years, established itself to be one of the world's largest broad-based breeding pyramids supporting commercial producers in 25 countries.

Dr. Songyan Li, AgFeed's Chairman commented, "I have traveled the world in order to establish the requisites the Company needs to be successful in superior hog production. Genetic development of our swine has been AgFeed's goal since it acquired the Jiangxi Lushan Breeding Farm and now AgFeed will advance to the next level by our implementation of science-based genetic programs and Hypor is our choice for the first phase of our program."

AgFeed's strategic plan calls for development of a platform for the production and sale of approximately 2,000,000 hogs into the Chinese market during 2010-2011. The key element to this future growth is scientific breeding which is underscored by our arrangement with Hypor. We intend to begin this growth by stocking the 1200 sow farrow to finish Jiangxi Lushan Breeding Farm with the Hypor Large White Pureline Sows, the Hypor Landrace Pureline Boars and the Duroc Terminal Sire and build on the Company's "Green" certification status by producing "Green" high quality pork products. Gerry Daignault, Chief Operating Officer of AgFeed, who has extensive experience with Hypor said, "Hypor, with its reputation for breeding technology innovation, offers AgFeed a robust breeding animal that thrives under all conditions. This is a key requirement in China today."

Raf Beeren, Director of Hypor Asia, continued "Hypor is committed to providing superior genetics which results in greater profitability for hog producers. We have done our due diligence on Lushan and believe AgFeed is taking the appropriate steps to assure the success of this venture and Hypor is pleased to be part of the expansion in AgFeed's growth in China."


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