For the first time, independent and up-to-date biological and economic benchmark figures are available on weaners. These benchmark values are built on a total of over three million sold piglets per year. Reference values are an important tool for entrepreneurs to determine the relative performance of farms in a certain market and to discover possible improvements that should be feasible in comparison to objective results in the market.
AgriSyst receives up-to-date data from its customers worldwide on a daily basis. These are aggregated into multiple reference lines, also known as benchmarks. AgriSyst visualizes these benchmarks in its so-called BenchmarkMonitors for sows, fattening pigs and now also for weaners. These BenchmarkMonitors also show performance levels of participating farms and their opportunities for improvements compared to the top of relevant markets. Accuracy and independence are key for worthwhile benchmarking. The raw data and performance levels of participants are carefully checked before being included in the reference lines. For weaners, the total benchmark after this check now consists of over 3 million piglets sold annually. AgriSyst only sends its BenchmarkMonitor to customers who contribute their own data to the benchmark. The benchmark figures are confidential and will not be made public or used for other purposes.

Management control with the help of data
AgriSyst looks forward to getting in touch with entrepreneurs about improved management control based on actual data on weaners. Twan van Dijk, sales director at AgriSyst: "At the moment, far too little data is being collected from weaners and many farms have blind spots when it comes to management data. We actually see huge differences and thus opportunities in the performance levels and underlying data."

Variation in markets shows potential
AgriSyst observes huge variation in feed costs in relation to feed conversion, feed price, and underlying figures- such as entry weights. "After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, we saw an explosion of feed prices, but also a sharp deterioration of feed conversion. This caused feed costs of weaners to rise even harder," Van Dijk explains. "Some farms consciously made additional investments in feed composition at that time, resulting in improvement of feed conversion rates and a less steep increase of feed costs. Without the right data, you are going in blind. When management becomes more fact-based, there are many growth opportunities in piglet rearing that we should grab with both hands!"
AgriSyst is a leading player in the field of Smart Farming in pig farming. They are practitioners with a passion for data and pigs. The team helps pig farmers capture all kinds of data in the barn more easily through PigExpert, the data platform for pig chains. AgriSyst translates production data from many sources into hands-on management information for pig farmers and chain partners, with their leading mission: return on data for the pig farming sector!
December 15, 2023 - AgriSyst