The world’s most important farm equipment event already featured in a preview at ExpoAgro 2008 with subsequent attendance by 20 Argentinean exhibitors in Hanover that year. And this time there’s even more interest from South American machinery producers who see Agritechnica as an important shop window. The German event on November 10-14 November (preview days 8 and 9) is also recognised as a strategic meeting place for Argentinean farmers who increasingly want to exchange farming know-how with producers from other parts of the world. Argentina is already recognised as South America’s most highly-mechanised farming land with over 68 million ha of cropland. Long established as a major exporter of oilseeds and wheat it produces 22 percent of world soybean output (48 m t) and 14.5 m t of wheat. Major exports also include sugar and fruits.
“Two summers of drought plus the prevailing economic issues are factors encouraging the South American agricultural industry to look further afield,” points out Sabine Behre, marketing manager, South America. “Against this background many exhibitors at ExpoAgro this year indicated more interest than ever before in the European Agritechnica platform with its strong and direct links to the larger markets of Europe and further east.” She adds that direct experience of massive drought and associated erosion problems in South America has also sharpened interest in the Agritechnica World Soil and Water Show with its focus on worldwide farmland management under adverse conditions.
ExpoAgro this year premiered an innovations award scheme which incorporated three jury members from Germany: Dr. Thomas Rademacher from Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences , Alexander von Chappuis, head of plant production group, DLG and Dr. Quest, managing director of DLG’s agricultural machinery test centre. Von Chappuis addressed the 500 exhibitors at the opening event with the message that agriculture is an essential part of every national economy, vitally depending on innovations in agricultural machinery technologies. The DLG Agritechnica preview at ExpoAgro also alerted farm equipment producers of the exhibition opportunities at other well-established DLG farming events in eastern Europe and Asia, promising even more contact opportunities for the South American machinery sector.
Already planned at Agritechnica is an Argentinean pavilion with other specific Argentinean activities to follow.