The Agricultural Initiatives Program was created to encourage improvements in agriculture, the quality of life in agricultural communities and to facilitate rural development. Recently, the 2012-13 program budget of $1,450,000 was confirmed. Some applications held over from 2011-12 are already being reviewed, and the program welcomes new applications.
“I am really happy to be involved with this program,” says Bill Gordon, Agricultural Initiatives Program manager with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “The feedback has been very positive and the objectives of the program are being met.”
Funds under this program are granted to agricultural societies incorporated under the Agricultural Societies Act (Alberta), and to other registered not-for-profit organizations with objectives related to agriculture and rural development.

Program funding will be granted to applications that meet eligibility criteria for programs/projects such as rural training, leadership development, rural development programs, agricultural education projects (supporting livestock or crop production, food processing, soil and water conservation), producer and consumer education agricultural awareness, and applied research.
“Funding may also be considered for activities such as exhibitions (fairs, trade shows, displays), educational events (seminars, conferences, congresses), hosting tours for education or promotion purposes within Alberta (only costs in Alberta will be eligible), and demonstrations,” says Gordon. “As well, program funding is available to maintain certain types of community facilities.”
The Agricultural Initiatives Program funding is provided by the Alberta Lottery Fund.
May 7, 2012 - Alberta Pork