First launched in July of 2014, Project Protein is a pilot project that recruits animals from the livestock industry to be processed into ground protein for food bank clients. The donor transports the animal to one of our four participating abattoirs, Project Protein pays all processing costs, and the donor receives a charitable tax receipt for the value of the donation.
Project Protein has increased the amount of meat coming into the food bank by means of donation. By the end of August 2015, over 21,362 pounds of ground beef and pork had been received by participating food banks. In June 2015, the project received an extension to expend all processing funds.

The pork industry has been very supportive of the initiative. Promotional materials have been developed, and the project has been able to show success in the program model – animals are being donated, processed and meat distributed to food banks, and tax receipts are being generated to the producers for their
Donors can choose which participating food bank will benefit from their livestock donations, and each participating food bank will continue to receive ground meat generated through the program.
- 76 animals have been donated; 57 cows and 19 hogs
- Over 21,362 pounds of ground protein has been processed
- Only one animal from one donor had been condemned, and there were no issues in collecting condemnation fee
- 6542 pounds donated to Interfaith Food Bank, 5810 to Lethbridge Food Bank, 4618 to Taber, 2006 to North County Interfaith Outreach Society, 1678 to Coaldale, and 708 to Vauxhall
- Grant funds for coordinator salary and administration have been expended, and $33,346.16 has been spent on processing to date
The focus has now turned to the sustainability of the program as organizers continue to explore funding options to ensure future processing funds.
They hope you will consider becoming involved with Project Protein in some capacity. Below are the details concerning this year’s sponsorship levels:
Sponsorship Options & Recognition
Platinum: $5000 per year. This elite sponsorship opportunity allows your company logo to be stamped on all ground beef or pork products distributed from Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge. Platinum sponsorship will also include special recognition at our annual Friends of Interfaith Charity Dinner & Silent Auction. You will also receive all gold recognition sponsorship opportunities.
Gold: $3000 per year. This sponsorship opportunity includes your company logo on our sponsorship plaque that is located above the meat freezer at Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge. You will also receive all silver recognition sponsorship opportunities.
Silver: $2000 per year. This sponsorship opportunity involves your company logo on all promotional material related to Project Protein as well as a public service announcement to local media outlining your involvement in the project. You will also receive all bronze recognition sponsorship opportunities.
Bronze. $1000 per year. This sponsorship opportunity recognition involves your company logo on social media (+1000 followers) related to Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge and Project Protein. Recognition also includes your logo acknowledgement on our Project Protein website page.
December 2, 2015 - Alberta Pork