The research, conducted with the University of Kentucky, North Carolina State University and the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, will highlight the company’s latest breakthroughs in poultry nutrition.
"New product development at Alltech is the direct result of synergy between the company’s primacy in science and our understanding of customers’ needs and expectations,” said Paulo Rigolin, global poultry director at Alltech. “Distinguished events, such as the Poultry Science Association meeting, provide us a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry members worldwide and share some of our latest research in programmed nutrition, mineral management, True-Check in vitro screening, growth permitters and algae.”

The abstracts that will be presented are entitled:
(183) Effects of programmed nutrition (PN) strategy and post-hatch holding time on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks
M. A. Paul*SC, A. J. Pescatore, T. Ao, A. H. Cantor, R. S. Samuel, M. J. Ford, W. D. King, and K. A. Dawson
(223) Effect of in ovo feeding and programmed nutrition strategy on the growth performance and meat yield of Ross 708 broilers
P. Ferket*1, T. Ao2, R. Samuel2, R. Malhieros1, M. Ford2, A. Pescatore2, and A. Cantor2
(224) Comparison of the true check in vitro screening method for normal and reformulated diets containing increasing levels of Allzyme SSF versus measured AME
R. S. Samuel*1, P. B. Becker2, M. J. Ford1, A. H. Cantor1, A. J. Pescatore1, and T. Ao1
(P346) Effects of dietary supplementation of microalgae on production performance, egg quality and yolk fatty acid profile of laying hens
T. Ao*, L. M. Macalintal, M. Paul, A. J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, B. Timmons, C. Conn, M. J. Ford, and K. A. Dawson
(P347) Effects of dietary supplementation of microalgae on growth performance, immunity and meat fatty acid profile of broilers
L. M. Macalintal*, T. Ao, A. J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, B. Timmons, C. Conn, M. J. Ford, and K. A. Dawson
(P360) Differential gene expression of heat shock proteins in the ileum and liver of broilers on mannan oligosaccharide (Actigen) supplemented diets
S. J. Nolin*SC, C. M. Ashwell, and F. W. Edens
(P370 ) Effects of dietary organic minerals, antioxidant supplementation and oxidized oil on production performance of broiler chicks
L. M. Macalintal*, T. Ao, A. J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, C. E. Johnson, M. J. Ford, and K. A. Dawson
(P374) Programmed nutrition strategy on the productive performance and egg quality of laying hens fed distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) diets
M. van Benschoten*SC, L. R. Good, A. J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, T. Ao, R. S. Samuel, M. J. Ford, W. D. King, and J. L. Pierce
(P392) Effects of programmed nutrition strategy on the performance and nutrient absorption of chicks
T. Ao*, K. A. Dawson, M. Paul, A. J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, L. M. Macalintal, R. S. Samuel, and M. J. Ford
(P425) Levels of organic minerals in broiler diets
R.A. Vieira*, M.I. Hannas, L.F.T. Albino, H.S. Rostagno, D.L. Silva, and V. Ribeiro Júnior
During this event, the company will also host an invitation-only researcher appreciation evening on July 22. In addition, Ted Sefton, poultry director, Alltech Guelph will present the Alltech Student Manuscript Award on July 25.
July 23, 2013 - Alltech