Orffa was very pleased to welcome an impressive amount of nutritionists, researches and other interested people from the animal nutrition industry. In total around 100 people attended the symposium, which was held in Etten-Leur in the Netherlands. Chairman of the day was Prof. Geert Janssens PhD from the University of Ghent in Belgium.

Further research on amino acid nutrition in piglets
The first presentation was held by Dr. Mathieu Gloaguen from INRA (Rennes, France). He presented the conclusion of his long term research on amino acids nutrition in piglets. Todays piglet diets are formulated with a low CP level to support gut health and to lower feed cost. Reducing the level of CP is possible, but the levels of essential AA should be controlled. Knowledge on amino acid requirement is key in this context. A lot is known about the first limiting amino acids but data of other essential AA as for example phenylalanine et tyrosine is often lacking. Dr. Gloaguen presented the latest update from his PhD and post doc work in this field.
Meta-analysis for tryptophan in growing pigs
Last year, the tryptophan meta-analysis for piglets was discussed on the Orffa symposium. Aude Simongiovanni from AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE S.A.S. presented this year a new meta-analysis for tryptophan, this time focusing on growing pigs. She also presented new trial work with results that were perfectly in line with her meta-analysis. So the tryptophan requirement in growing pigs is nicely confirmed in new trials.
Valine nutrition in sows
Just before lunch, Dr. David Sola from Universitat Autonoma in Barcelona gave a presentation on amino acid nutrition in sows. Nutritionists are getting more and more interested in the requirements of sows and so also on amino acid usage. Dr. Sola shared his knowledge with focus on Valine with the audience.
Feedipedia, a worldwide reference on animal feed resources
Just after the brake, Dr. Gilles Tran from the association Française de Zootechnie (AFZ, France) presented a completely new internet database with regard to animal feed resources. It can be used freely and gives as well qualitative as quantitative information. The database can be a very helpful tool for feed formulation.
IntelliBond®, innovative trace element source
Impact of trace elements on nutrient stability in feed and optimized trace element supply in monogastric animals.
Last year Orffa introduced a completely new form of trace minerals: hydroxy trace minerals. Meanwhile IntelliBond C (copper) and IntelliBond Z (zinc) are approved in the EU for use in all animal species. Dr. Detlef Kampf from Orffa Additives gave a presentation on this new form of trace minerals . Hydroxy trace minerals are widely used in the USA and have shown benefits both from technical and nutritional point of view. Dr. Kampf emphasized the benefits of IntelliBond® in piglet and poultry nutrition, by showing the latest results from different studies.
Importance and solutions for an optimal trace mineral supply in ruminants
Last but absolutely not least, Jerry Spears from the North Carolina State University, (USA), gave a very interesting presentation on the trace mineral supply in ruminants. Jerry Spears is a very known and appreciated researcher in the field of trace elements. He gave a nice overview of trace elements in general and discussed intestinal behavior and uptake by the animal. More deeply he presented his research and experiences in general with hydroxy trace minerals in ruminants in comparison with inorganic and organic trace minerals.
The audience was participating very actively and a lot of questions were asked. Orffa thanks the chairman, the speakers and of course all the participants for this very successful day!
May 6, 2013 - ORFFA