When Agromek 2012 closed on Friday, the Exhibition had been attended by 45,248 visitors including 5,127 foreign guests and visitors.
The Chairman of Agromek, General Manager Sten Andersen, Dan Egtved A/S states: “We are very satisfied with these attendance figures as they fully comply with our expectations.”

The Chairman is also extremely pleased that there has been a good attendance from other countries – both farmers and machine dealers.
Sten Andersen continued: “It is my clear impression from my talks with many of our exhibitors, that this has been a successful exhibition. Visiting farmers have shown genuine interest and optimism. I must admit that I was rather nervous that the many current challenges confronting the farming sector would have an adverse effect. However, the Exhibition has been held in an enjoyable and positive atmosphere. There are many farmers who are still prepared to invest in the development of their farms.”
The Chairman could also state that many orders have been placed for tractors, large and small machines plus implements during the exhibition period.
Sten Andersen was also pleased by the fact that Agromek has been successful in attracting so many manufacturers and suppliers to this combined exhibition.
“It is a great feeling that we have attracted such enormous support to this combined exhibition, but there are still other companies that we would like to see at Agromek. We will work on this during the coming period prior to Agromek being held in 2014.”
November 3, 2012 - Agromek