In Hungary, one study evaluated the impact of the reduction of copper level, from 140 ppm to 90 ppm, on 560 piglets during the starter phase. Performance wasn’t affected when copper sulfate was replaced by copper(I) oxide (CoRouge®):

Results may be explained by a stronger effect of CoRouge® on E.coli population in the piglet intestine compared to copper sulfate. Effect on oxidative stress is also under investigation: exposed results from a recent study carried out in Spain, on 384 piglets, showed a lower oxidative stress with copper(I) oxide compared to copper sulfate, with 100 and 150 ppm of copper added, through the measurement of malondialdehyde in the liver.
Authorised in the EU in December 2016, CoRouge® presents the following benefits: high flowability, high concentration (75%), high bioavailability and high animal performance.
March 5, 2020 - Animine