The main theme of the conference was :“New challenges facing animal production for diversified territories, market demands and social expectations”. The programme covered all aspects of scientific achievements within animal production, including genetics, physiology, nutrition, management and health. Animine presented siMMin™, a new software developed with the support of INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research). This tool measures the effect of the zinc supply in the feeding program of the growing pig from the weaning up to the slaughter, on the total quantity of excreted Zn and on the zinc concentration in pig manure. As pharmacological dosage of zinc oxide in piglet diets is under discussion in some countries, this software shows for example that the adult pig retains in his entire life the equivalent quantity of zinc which may be found in 1 kg of piglet feed (see illustration). Pig producers and feed manufacturers can now simulate any change in diet formulation on the environmental balance and on the value of manure when used as fertiliser. siMMin™ is online since January 2013, and is freely accessible to all.

September 9, 2013 - Animine