
Animine: Scientists on trace minerals meet another time for TEMA

Animine had presented for the first time some experimental data with HiZox®, a potentiated form of zinc oxide for piglets, at the previous TEMA conference in Enshi (China).

4 July 2014

animine.gifOriginally created in 1969, TEMA (Trace Elements in Man and Animal) conference attracts, every 3 years, biomedical and nutritional scientists from all around the world. Basic and applied research on humans, on animals (Laboratory, companion, food producing species), on cells and molecules are covered, including model systems and methods for the assessment of mineral status and bioavailability.

Animine had presented for the first time some experimental data with HiZox®, a potentiated form of zinc oxide for piglets, at the previous TEMA conference in Enshi (China). Since, some ex vivo and in vivo trial results have been collected to confirm the positive effect of HiZox® on piglet growth performance and health. This year, from June 22 to 26, TEMA conference was hosted by the University of Florida (USA). Animine took this opportunity to present one recent experiment supervised by Prof. Paolo Bosi in Bologna University (Italy), with E.coli F4 (K88) challenged piglets. 36 animals, selected to be ETEC-susceptible by the gene marker Mucin 4, were assigned to three different diets : a negative control, a positive control (3 kg ZnO), and HiZox® at 300 mg/kg. No effect was measured on morphometry measures in the jejunum mucosa, but both treatments (high dosed ZnO and low dosed HiZox®) were able to increase IgA production and body weight gain after the challenge, compared to the negative control.

June 3, 2014 - Animine

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