
Anpario launches launches Orego-Stim TD

A unique combination of oregano essential oil (OEO) and dextrose for top dressing to sow daily rations can help improve lactation performance and piglet performance.

1 June 2020

Producers can now take control of the health management of individual gestating and lactating sows with Anpario’s new easy application product, Orego-Stim TD, which can be top dressed to sow daily rations.

The newly launched product is formulated from a unique combination of dextrose and 100 percent natural OEO. This formula not only provides sows with the multiple benefits associated with natural OEO, but also the well-documented advantages of including dextrose as a functional carrier. Dextrose is the active form of glucose and provides an essential energy source for the sow during key periods when energy demands on the sow are increased.

Trials conducted by Nottingham Trent University found that Orego-Stim top dressed to sow diets helped to support the 3 L’s approach for unit success; lactation performance, lifetime piglet performance and less interventions.

The research found that piglets from sows whose diets were top dressed with Orego-Stim required 4.7 percent less treatment with medication than piglets from sows fed the basal diet. Additionally, pre-weaning mortality was reduced from 14.3 percent to 10.9 percent and the piglets displayed improved performance post-weaning, with an average finishing weight which was 3.4kg heavier than piglets from control sows.

“Top dressing is a very cost effective method of delivery as it allows farmers to target individuals or groups of sows,” explained Heidi Hall, Anpario’s global technical service manager and swine expert. “It can also be particularly beneficial for gilts as they are still growing and therefore lactation intakes can struggle,”

“Orego-Stim TD supports sows pre and post-partum, stimulates lactation performance and helps optimise the lifetime performance of their progeny,” added Heidi Hall.

Orego-Stim TD is available to purchase in 15kg pack sizes through Anpario representatives or direct to farm through Anpario Direct.

June 1, 2020 - Anpario

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