
Anpario: Study shows pHorce helps protect pigs against in-feed viruses

Recent trials have tested the anti-viral efficacy of widely available feed additives against viruses such as SVA, PRRSV, and PEDV.

21 August 2020

Recent trials have tested the anti-viral efficacy of widely available feed additives against viruses such as SVA (Seneca virus), PRRSV (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus) and PEDV (porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus).

The study, conducted by Dr Scott Dee at the Pipestone Applied Research Facility in the USA, showed that pigs fed the infected control diets exhibited clinical symptoms of SVA, PEDV and PRRSV. However, no evidence of SVA or PRRSV infection was observed in the pigs consuming feed supplemented with pHorce. In addition, it was found that pHorce lowered mortality and significantly increased average daily gain compared to pigs from the control group.

“To find that pHorce, which is formaldehyde free, not only delivers effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action, but also successfully protects feed with proven anti-viral activity at a relatively low inclusion is massively important,” said Dr Wendy Wakeman, Anpario’s Global Technical Director. “This finding will help in ensuring the biosecurity and safety of future feed and livestock production”

“Anpario has worked with Acid Based Eubiotic (ABE) feed additives for more than 30 years with a particular focus on pathogen control,” added Dr Wakeman. “The proven anti-viral activity of pHorce, specifically in the mitigation of the effect of PRRS, PEDV and SVA, highlights the effective triple action of the feed additive.”

In the trials, feed was infected with these viruses using Dr Dee’s innovative ice block model where pigs were offered either the infected feed with no additives, or the infected feed supplemented with the additive, one of which was pHorce, included at the rate of 3kg per tonne of feed.

Manufactured by UK based, independent feed additive producer Anpario, pHorce is developed from a concentrated synergistic blend of formic and propionic acid formulated on a unique carrier system for optimal efficacy. It is a free-flowing dry powder which is easily dispersed within raw materials and finished feed. pHorce is fast acting with rapid acid release helping reduce pathogen load and supports the development of a well-balanced and diverse gut microbiome for optimal livestock health and performance.

August 21, 2020 - Anpario

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