
ARM Buildings: Strong demand for new pig housing

Floods of orders for new pig houses have meant that ARM Buildings has had to take on more staff and put on extra shifts to meet demand.
26 August 2010
Floods of orders for new pig houses have meant that ARM Buildings has had to take on more staff and put on extra shifts to meet demand at its Rugeley, Staffordshire, headquarters and factory.

The company is now working virtually round-the-clock during the week with shifts from 7.00 am to 5.30 pm and 5.30 pm to 6.30 am, and an extra shift on Saturday mornings, more than doubling output.

"Demand is for all types of houses with particular emphasis on finishing accommodation", says Andrew Brittain, ARM’s operations director. He said that while replacement buildings account for some of the demand, much of the growth is down to expansion.

Pig farmers are prepared to invest in the improvements in efficiency, such as better feed conversion and growth rates, coupled with the labour-saving and superior hygiene that new buildings bring.”

This bears out the results of a survey carried out by BPEX earlier in the year which showed that the “Confidence index” among English pig producers had risen by 4.9 points compared with 12 months earlier and a large proportion of units were working at full capacity.

ARM Buildings Ltd

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