Environmental specialist, Tim Miller, will check that the building is properly set up after construction is complete and then again that it is running properly when fully stocked.
“With modern, highly-insulated buildings with sophisticated controls it is vital to ensure that they are fine-tuned and working properly for efficient production,” said Tim. “We have seen management problems simply because the controls weren’t being operated correctly.

Of particular importance, he says, is the ventilation system and he will be using a special anemometer to check airflows as part of the commissioning process.
Another important factor will be staff training to make sure the stockmen and women ‘on the ground’ understand how the controls operate so that they can use them properly.
“We’ve already had good feedback, with perceived ‘problems’ being solved overnight due to proper understanding,” he commented. “By getting more things right, more of the time, we are helping producers to up their efficiency.”
ARM Building offers free monitoring of its buildings through Barn Report as part of their new buildings package. This enables particular house functions to be analysed on a regular basis, via sensors connected to the farm office computer, ensuring the piggeries continue to function at optimum level.
September 2, 2013 - ARM