Staffordshire-based ARM Buildings have taken over the sole UK distributorship for the popular Osborne Big Wheel range of pig feeders, following the retirement of Terry Cross, who previously distributed these feeders.
The American-made feeders are of rugged construction and well proven on farms. A particular feature, as the name suggests, is a multi-spoke wheel attached to the trough, which dispenses feed only when operated by the pigs, helping to eliminate waste and keep the troughs clean.

Feed flow-rate is controlled by an easy-to-use adjustment mechanism which raises or lowers an internal cone. A major advantage with the circular trough system is that there are no corners where feed can build up and become stale, say the manufacturers.
Hoppers are made from reinforced glass-fibre while the metal parts are of galvanised or stainless steel. The feeders are available in a variety of sizes for weaners through to finishers with capacities ranging from 35 to 529 litres, which will feed up to 60 pigs. The feeders can be free-standing or fitted within pen partitions.
Competitively priced, they are available direct to farmers or through the trade.
In addition, ARM is distributing the Stanfield range of easy-to-clean heat pads for piglets in both farrowing and weaner accommodation, also from Osborne Industries. Available in a range of shapes and sizes to fit different sized pens, they provide a uniform surface temperature 16º-20ºC above air temperature.
ARM Buildings Ltd