
Australian Pork Limited (APL) has just released its new Strategic Plan for 2010 to 2015

This plan has been prepared at a time of substantial change in the industry. It is also a plan that has been prepared after significant consultation with all stakeholders – producers, processors, retailers, government both state and federal.
21 September 2009
This plan has been prepared at a time of substantial change in the industry. It is also a plan that has been prepared after significant consultation with all stakeholders – producers, processors, retailers, government both state and federal.

This 2010–2015 Strategic Plan is built around five Core Objectives which are in turn underpinned by programs and projects designed to deliver the key outcomes for each objective.

It recognises that we are participants in the food industry and as such are subject to the changing demands and expectations of consumers and the community.
• Increasing consumer demand for our products (particularly fresh pork) is critical to long term viability. Consistently good eating quality which delivers sound nutritional values and presented in an appetitising and convenient way are key.

• Reduced input costs coupled with continued investment in R&D to improve on farm productivity and competitiveness are essential to ensure that producers remain profitable and viable. In this regard facilitating the rapid uptake and adoption of new technology/research outcomes is paramount.

• Value is created or destroyed along the total supply chain. There is a need to improve its understanding, transparency and efficiency that will allow buyers and sellers to determine the right type of carcase that is required for a particular market, as well as ensuring a better flow of market signals between buyer and seller.

• The Australian community and government expect the pork industry to provide a safe food that is produced in a sustainable environment, whilst optimising the welfare and care of our animals. In addition it seeks assurances that the management of emissions is undertaken in a sustainable and responsible manner. The challenge for APL is to manage and balance the impact of changes in regulatory requirements on producers whilst continuing to increase consumer and public confidence in Australian pork.

• A well informed and connected industry which is actively engaged in managing the wide range of issues and concerns is essential to building confidence, cohesion and responsiveness.
The pork industry has faced and will continue to face significant challenges. The diversity of the industry in our products, in our production systems, in the size, competence and dedication of our producers are assets that we must leverage to their full value. The industry’s unity around the thrust of this Strategic Plan 2010–2015, in its adoption and implementation will be a significant step in that direction.

Enzo Allara
Chairman, APL


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