
Baker Begins Term as President of AASV

Dr. Rodney “Butch” Baker, Ames, Iowa, was installed as the 40th president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians during the association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 10
16 March 2009
Dr. Rodney “Butch” Baker, Ames, Iowa, was installed as the 40th president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians during the association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 10. Dr. Baker is a senior clinician in the Food Supply Veterinary Medicine Unit at Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Butch has always been willing to share his time and leadership skills,” said Dr. Tom Burkgren, executive director of the AASV. “He has a great ability to apply his experience and knowledge to the issues facing the association.

A member of the AASV since he graduated in 1978, Dr. Baker credits the association’s educational opportunities and mentoring as the most rewarding aspects of his 30-year career in veterinary medicine.

During his term, Dr. Baker plans to focus the membership on political activism and publicity management by encouraging grass-roots leadership on issues facing the swine industry. He has a strong interest in delivering evidence-based solutions from medicine to politics.

Dr. Baker represented the AASV on the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for nine years. He has continuously served on several of the AASV’s committees, is currently active on committees of the National Pork Board, has served the National Pork Producers Council, the American Veterinary Medical Association, other industry and university committees, and task forces at the state and national level.

Dr. Baker grew up on a diversified farm in north central Kentucky, raising cattle and pigs, crops and tobacco. Dr. Baker’s career in veterinary medicine began as a mixed-animal practitioner in Kentucky. After 17 years in private practice, he spent a year in the animal health industry, four years with a pig breeding-stock company and three years as director of health assurance in a large integrated pork production company.

He received his veterinary degree from Auburn University in 1978 and his master’s degree in 1999 from Iowa State University. He is a 1995 graduate of the University of Illinois’ Executive Veterinary Program Certificate in Swine Health Management.

In 2000, he earned a global business management certificate from the Belmont University Center for Professional Development, Nashville, Tenn.

Dr. Baker and his wife, Emma, reside in Ames, Iowa. They have three children, Brad, Amy and Will, and two grandchildren, Marissa, and Paige.

Joining Dr. Baker as AASV officers in 2009 are: president-elect – Dr. Paul Ruen, Fairmont, Minn.; vice president – Dr. Randy Jones, Kinston, N.C.; immediate past president – Dr. Kerry Keffaber, North Manchester, Ind.; and executive director – Dr. Tom Burkgren, Perry, Iowa.

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