Good news for anyone considering attending the Banff Pork Seminar Jan. 15 to 17, 2013. Early, lower cost registration has been extended to Dec. 18, 2012.
With a theme of “The Challenge of Change” the upcoming seminar will tackle the issues of most importance to producers and their industry. Dramatic increases in feed costs and severe market challenges have producers searching for solutions. The first plenary speakers, two leading, large production units in North America, will address how they measure success in their operations.

Jason Logsdon, CEO of The Maschhoffs, one of the largest family owned production networks in North America, will speak on “Performance metrics in a high growth environment.” Steve Pollmann, president of Murphy-Brown’s Western Operations, the world’s largest producer of pork products, will talk on “True measures of successful pork production.”
The Thursday morning plenary session entitled “New partnerships” has two speakers on the major livestock industry challenge of animal welfare and how to build better partnerships in the value chain to deal with this issue.
Chad Gregory, President and CEO of the United Egg Producers will lay out the innovative plan between his group and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) which dramatically changed the egg business in that country. Wes Jamison, highly regarded researcher and speaker from Palm Beach Atlantic University will address “Advocating for our future.”
There are more networking opportunities built into this year’s program compared to past years, says Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra, of the University of Alberta, Banff Pork Seminar Program Director. The Seminar starts Tuesday afternoon with a reception featuring the latest pork products prepared by the Banff Centre chefs. Thursday ends with a “Boar Pit session with industry leaders on the firing line for questions from the floor. A closing networking reception follows.
In between attendees can get some of the most practical advice from the popular breakout sessions. There are 11 of these sessions featuring top speakers from across North America and overseas on core issues.
One other change of consequence for the upcoming Seminar is a more centralized location for all parts of the event. All sponsor booths will be in one, much larger location, with full-time coffee centres to support a comfortable atmosphere for visiting booths and networking. Rooms for all presentations will also be nearby.
Registration, accommodation and full program information is available on the Seminar website at More information is also available by email at or by contacting Heather Ball, conference manager by phone at (780) 492-3651. Registration includes a copy of the proceedings.
For more information contact:
Heather Ball, Conference Coordinator
Banff Pork Seminar
Phone: (780) 492-3651
Web site:
December 6, 2012 - Alberta Pork