From 29th of August till 1st of September the Dutch pig consultancy company FarmulaOne organizes the first 4 day-course for people who want to increase their knowledge of pigs and want to give Pig Signals® trainings in their own country.
The key principles of Pig Signals® are LOOK-THINK-ACT. Pigs produce better if you know how to give them tender loving care (TLC). Good care of pigs starts with careful observation. In the training you will not only learn to look better at pigs yourselves, but you will also learn how to pass on your knowledge to farmers or other interested persons. You will visit 3 different farms in the Netherlands. You will develop the skills to make a customized version of the Pig Signals presentation. Also you will receive a certificate if you complete this training successfully. This certificate gives you the license to train your clients in your own country for one year. Please visit our website, contact us for questions or register yourself for the 4 day-course (max. 8 participants/course).
Welcome in Holland!
Enjoy our southern Dutch hospitality!
Course Certified Pig Signals® Trainer
Location: Pig Signals training centre at Best, the Netherlands and various other pig farms in the vicinity. Best is located 6 miles from Eindhoven Airport, 60 miles from Amsterdam Airport and 70 miles from Düsseldorf Airport.
Dates: Monday 29th of August – Thursday 1st of Sept (English)
Monday 19th of September – Thursday 22nd of Sept (German)
Next dates: 2nd-5th of April, 23rd-26th of April 2012
Costs (4 days): €1950,- (excluding taxes, travel and accommodation expenses)
Renewal license: €150,-/year
Registration on:
Fax: +31 499 310 142