
Bekina: Light footed pig farmer pleased!

After wearing Steplite X boots for four months the Carrickaboy, Co Longford pig producer describes them as a ‘ real treat for farm feet.’
30 April 2010
A delighted Donal Brady, left, with Martin McKenna of Agrihealth Animal Health, was one of the first farmers in the British Isles to purchase Steplite X wellington boots launched by Bekina last January.

After wearing Steplite X boots for four months the Carrickaboy, Co Longford pig producer describes them as a ‘ real treat for farm feet.’

“Pig producers wear wellies for long hours year round and Bekina Steplite X boots are, as the name suggests, 40% lighter than traditional wellies, yet last at least three times longer,” Donal reported.

“On a large integrated pig unit you cover a lot of mileage so wearing lighter boots with a broad fitting for extra comfort keeps tiredness at bay. Resistant to farmyard manure, oil and fat Bekina Steplite X boots are ideal around pigs as they have improved slip resistance and a self-cleaning profile.”

Martin McKenna from Bekina distributors Agrihealth adding that Steplite X are manufactured from air-foamed polyurethane to keep feet warm in winter yet cool in summer.

Available across the UK and Ireland from agricultural merchants and farm co-op stores Bekina Steplite X boots come with free shock and moisture absorbing insulated insoles.

Further info at www.bekina.be

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