
Bernd Koch named managing director of DLG-Agriservice GmbH

The supervisory board of DLG-Agriservice GmbH, a subsidiary of DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society), has appointed Bernd Koch as its new managing director with effect from 1 April 2009.
20 April 2009
The supervisory board of DLG-Agriservice GmbH, a subsidiary of DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society), has appointed Bernd Koch as its new managing director with effect from 1 April 2009. The 46-year-old agricultural engineer has spent the last eleven years as departmental head at Rinder-Union West eG (RUW) where he was responsible for marketing breeding cattle in Germany and abroad. Mr Koch will now take responsibility for the development and organisation of DLG-Agriservice exhibitions abroad and for coordinating the work of the DLG-Agriservice subsidiaries. This includes, in particular, exhibition activities and trade events for professional farmers as well as the development of services in the target countries. His career to date, which has included coordinating community stands of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture at exhibitions in Eastern Europe, Russia, North Africa and South America, has enabled him to acquire broad knowledge of the sector which he will be able to put to good use at DLG-Agriservice.

Mr Koch will share his duties with the former managing director of DLG-Agriservice Anselm Elles, who will be primarily responsible for services, including stand construction and complete service packages for German and foreign companies at DLG exhibitions.


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