The need of finding new environmental friendly ways to produce energy has made the renewable sources a good alternative for the future.
The increase in the cost of the fossil fuels, their high green house effects gas emissions, the energetic dependence and the general conscience that we must get a full sustainable future have made possible bioenergy (biomass and biofuels) to be a real option that contributes with great advantages.

Now the biomass represents an efficient way to produce thermal energy and electricity, among others. One of the most positive aspects is the contribution to the reduction of the greenhouse effect gas emissions. Moreover, a good plan and management of the natural resources can contribute to the replacement of the surplus crops for energetic ones. This would be the way to offer a new opportunity to the agricultural sector. Also, it allows the introduction of big rotational value crops instead of single-crop system ones. We must add the role the biofuels play with regardsto sustainable mobility because they are one step forward to the reduction on the use of petrol and its products.
Agricultural machinery: technology in the service of energetic efficiency
Having cutting the edge technology and state of the art agricultural machinery makes possible to move forward to get greater efficiency rates. It also allows the increase of the energetic performance of resources such as biomass or biofuels.
In this context, the Spanish agricultural machinery exporters have shown a great potential to optimize the rawmateria picking, increase the competitivity of the companies specialised in this type of energy and minimize the negative environmental effects that may occur from used of waste.
These characteristics have made our country a world reference in the field. Our products, services and leading solutions have helped to increase the weight of the biomass worldwide and have contributed to the development of a more renewable future.
In 2009 the agricultural machinery represented the 73,88% of the exports of AGRAGEX, the machinery used for the bioenergy production has increased its market share progressively.
The Spanish industry stands out specially for the technological novelties introduced in the biomass sector. The search, development and manufacturing of specilized agricultural machinery have come to a saving in cost and time. These savings give important benefits to the producers. Shredders with screen, raw material transports, new chippers models, pellets plants or compost turners are among this cutting edge progress of the companies. These advantages serve to make the most from the wood, the various vegetable waste and branches as well as to pick up and accumulate this material in the same process.
The starting up of biomass treatment machinery in the generation plants have also experienced great advantages not only in the in the process but also in the facilities, where they have reached productions between 1 and 4 tones of pellets per hour.
The engineering works such as calculation, design and building of special equipments come also to help the Spanish offer. This is part of the new concept in exports, marked by the “customization” of the tools and projects.
Biogas and biofuels: an alternative to the growth
Together with the biomass, the Spanish exports have paved the way in areas like the treatment and reduction of the organic waste, specially interesting for agricultural and livestock farms. The building of a biogas plant can be a good solution for the problems that these farms face and can supply electric energy.
The Spanish industry contributes with its experience on various technologies in the manufacturing of transport and mixing systems.
The advances introduced by our companies in the use of technology for agricultural traction with biodiesel have gotten important reductions in the polution levels, with an avarage cuts of 3.7% at the maximum power.
All these advantages are reflected in the important presence of our companies and the products related to the agroenergy in and out of our country. A growing sector that appears as an alternative to open new business lines in a critical moment as the one we are living now.
December 2011 - AGRAGEX