
Carsten Jakobsen leaves Tulip Ltd and the Danish Crown Group after mission accomplished

Chairman of Tulip Ltd, Carsten Jakobsen, who is also Vice CEO/President International of the Danish Crown Group, has decided that it is now time for him to leave Tulip Ltd and Danish Crown after 14 years of service.
10 November 2010
Chairman of Tulip Ltd, Carsten Jakobsen, who is also Vice CEO/President International of the Danish Crown Group, has decided that it is now time for him to leave Tulip Ltd and Danish Crown after 14 years of service.

Carsten Jakobsen joined the Danish Crown Group Management following the merger with Vestjyske Slagterier in 1998, where he was CEO.
Carsten Jakobsen, Danish Crown

In his role, Carsten Jakobsen has been the architect behind the very significant position which Tulip Ltd now holds as one of the leading meat suppliers in the UK. Tulip Ltd currently operates 17 sites throughout the UK.

He has been the driving force behind establishing a company which has increased its revenue from £315 million to more than £1.1 billion, which in turn has created an impressive increase in number of employees.

“Carsten Jakobsen has been responsible for the growth we have witnessed in the UK in recent years. Also, his achievements as Chairman of our US operation, Plumrose Inc, have been invaluable. It is a very prominent figure in the global meat business that has now chosen to leave the Danish Crown Group, but Carsten has made sure that the next generation is in place to carry on his legacy”, says Niels Mikkelsen, Chairman of Danish Crown.

Carsten Jakobsen will be stepping down when the results for 2009/10 are published at the meeting of the Board of Representatives on 2 December 2010.

Carsten Jakobsen’s decision has come after several years of intensive work successfully fulfilling the visions and strategy – both in the UK and the US.

“In this business standing still is not an option, but I believe I can say “mission accomplished”, and for me the time has now come to pass on the responsibility to competent people like CEO Steve Murrells in the UK and CEO David Schanzer in the USA”, says Carsten Jakobsen, who is looking forward to following the companies he has been such an important part for many years.

The job as Chairman of both Tulip Ltd and Plumrose USA will be taken over by Flemming Enevoldsen, CEO of Tulip Food Company, who is already a member of the Danish Crown Group Management. The Danish Crown Group Management will in future consist of Kjeld Johannesen, CEO of Danish Crown, Preben Sunke, CFO, and Flemming Enevoldsen.


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