‘I am very pleased that an exchange of experience could take place among the Ministry of Rural Development, the appropriate bodies of the administrative authorities, members of the veterinary and human medical profession and the representatives of one of the leading veterinary biologicals manufacturer, the Ceva Group and, within it, Ceva-Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals Co. Ltd., as only in this way can we address a major challenge of the future, the control of diseases transmissible from animals to humans, in an effective and adequate manner’ – said Dr. EndreKardeván, Minister of State for Food Chain Supervision and Agricultural Administration.
In early January a round-table conference was held with the participation of executive officers of the animal health authorities and representatives of Ceva-Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals Co. Ltd., one of the leading veterinary biologicals manufacturers of Hungary, to discuss timely issues of the control of zoonosis, i.e. diseases transmissible from animals to humans.
The most important objective of the round-table conference was to enable the Ministry of Rural Development and the animal health authorities to prepare themselves for potential future challenges in the field of zoonosis, and to allow Ceva-Phylaxia Co. Ltd. to learn the exact demand and to co-operate with the authorities as efficiently as possible in controlling potential zoonotic disease outbreaks, as a participant of a Public–Private Partnership. During the conference, the participants analyzed successful international cases of zoonosis control and studied effective methods used previously, and then compared the international data with the Hungarian experience and demands.
‘Great emphasis should be placed on the effective control of animal diseases, as the health of animals is closely linked to that of humans – there is only One Health. This is why our commitment must go beyond the scope of animal health, thus creating also another type of community value.It is of key importance for all of us to ensure that the competent authorities, the animal health professionals, the representatives of universities and research institutes and the specialists of the vaccine-manufacturing company exchange their experience and co-operate efficiently in order to achieve the common goal’ – said Dr. László Máté, Zone Director of Ceva Group, the parent company of the biggest Hungarian veterinary biologicals manufacturer.

February 3, 2014 - Ceva