Developed by Bernard Peet and Mick Evans, PPT currently offers a comprehensive training system for the pig industry, ranging from ‘hands-on’, practical training to advanced leadership skills for senior managers.
Training Manager James Saunders explains the benefits of the training, which will soon be implemented within the JSR business: “The programmes work by teaching practical farm procedures as well as giving the trainee all the relevant knowledge regarding why that procedure is carried out on the farm.

“As the trainee is instructed in many different procedures they will build up a reference manual which can be used as a guide for them throughout their career.
“After training has taken place competence and understanding are tested and scored on a training record. I believe this will be a more rigorous and auditable training system for a business.”
Simon Grey, Director of Checkfarm explains why offering PPT training is a significant move for the business.
He said: “This deal will add a lot of value to the Checkfarm business. A lack of skills and poor quality staff severely limits the performance of many producers and the training we are now in a position to offer, can help redress the balance.
“Professional athletes and sportsmen train continually to achieve results, but in some parts of this industry the workforce is often expected to perform with little or no training.”
As well as being used within established businesses such as JSR, PPT programmes are also suited to new and developing businesses.
“By putting a comprehensive training package in place during the set up phase, production businesses can benefit from highly trained, motivated staff that are keenly aware of the company’s objectives and can also ensure things are running efficiently on the ground too,” Simon continued.
“The PPT programmes have a very good reputation in the industry because they work. When they’re coupled with our existing consultancy services we can offer a package of training and support that’s unsurpassed and will lead to increased productivity.”
June 14, 2013 - JSR