
Cherkizovo Group transfers to quotation list ‘A’ on MICEX

OJSC Cherkizovo Group one of Russia’s leading integrated and diversified meat producers, announces the transfer of its shares onto quotation list ‘A 2’ at MICEX
7 April 2010
The Executive Board of MICEX made the decision to transfer Cherkizovo shares from quotation list ‘B’ to quotation list ‘A’. This means that the Group has passed all necessary tests and met all requirements of the MICEX.

Cherkizovo shares began trading on MICEX on September 5, 2007 and they have been listed on quotation list ‘B’ since April 2, 2008.

Inclusion of a company’s shares onto quotation list ‘A’ is possible only if it satisfies stringent requirements regarding financial results, liquidity, corporate governance and procedures for information disclosure. The MICEX regulations regarding corporate governance and information disclosure correspond with the highest international standards.

MICEX will start trading Cherkizovo shares on quotation list ‘A’, from April 2, 2010.

The state registration number of the shares issued is 1-02-10797-á, with 430, 693, 557 units of ordinary nominal uncertified shares in issue, with a nominal value 0.01 RUR per share.

Sergey Mikhailov, CEO of Cherkizovo Group, said: “We constantly work at increasing the investment appeal of our Company and we are confident that this transfer to quotation list ‘A ’will help to improve liquidity, and reconfirm our commitment to the highest standard of corporate governance”.

Cherkizovo’s shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). They are also traded on the Russian Trading System (RTS).

Cherkizovo Group

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