* Gold Medal - raw-cooked basturma and special sudjukPleasingly, the well known Petelinka and Domashnyaa Kurochka poultry brands won:
* Silver Medal - Meat Nut, raw-smoked product made of chicken meat
* Bronze Medal -“Carpaccio” raw-smoked balyk made of beef.
* Gold Medal – chilled broiler chickens “Petelinka” and “Domashnyaa Kurochka”For a number of years the Petelinka and Domashnyaa Kurochka poultry brands have been recognized by the awards.
* Bronze Medal – chilled chicken fillet “Petelinka”.
Sergei Mikhailov, CEO of Cherkizovo Group commented: “We are delighted that products from all of our divisions have been recognized for their quality product and consistency. These awards reflect the professionalism of our team and the levels of excellence used to design and process these products. I am confident that in future we will continue to offer the consumer not only quality products that are well-known, but new and innovational products that will ensure brand loyalty”.
ProdExpo is one of the most significant events in the food industry in Russia and was attended by almost 2000 companies from 57 countries. The largest annual specialized exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe, ProdExpo has determined the development of the domestic food industry for the last 15 years. It promotes high-quality foodstuffs to the domestic market and helps implement high priority federal projects aimed at improving quality of life of Russian citizens