
China lifts temporary ban on Vion pork imports

Vion has regained access to the Chinese market.

21 September 2020

China has lifted the import ban on pork from Vion Groenlo and Vion Boxtel with effect from 17 September 2020. This means that Vion has regained the recognition to export to China.

John de Jonge, COO Vion Pork, is very pleased with this good news. “It is important for Vion to have regained access to the Chinese market. Vion’s exports to Asia account for a substantial proportion of its total sales volume and a major part of these exports is destined for China. Sales to China are now being resumed, which is important in order to achieve optimised carcass yield of porkers. Having a worldwide complementary sales portfolio is essential, also given the situation in the German market, where the ASF virus is causing a lot of uncertainty and sales of pigs are under pressure.

COVID-19 measures

Vion has always adopted strict measures when it comes to helping prevent the spread of the virus. These rules are always in line with the guidelines from the GGD and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The statistics show that the number of corona cases is decreasing, as is the number of people who show symptoms of the disease at the entrance. Any new insights in connection with hygiene, ventilation and virus control within our production areas are immediately implemented into actual measures on the workfloor.

Vion has been carrying out health checks on everyone arriving at all locations in the Netherlands since June. Every employee, visitor and controller receives a brief questionnaire about their own health and well-being. Any Vion employee with even mild symptoms that could indicate a COVID-19 infection must not go to work. Employees are tested for COVID-19 if this appears relevant after completing the health form and answering the questionnaire. In case of a positive result, the necessary measures are taken.

September 17, 2020 - Vion Food Group

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