EU leaders from the EU Agricultural Cooperatives Confederation Cogeca unanimously elected in Brussels today Mr Christian Pèes from France as its new President. Thomas Magnusson from Sweden and Maria Antónia Figueiredo were elected as two new Vice-Presidents.
Mr Pèes runs a cereals and pigmeat farm in Southwest France and is also President of Euralis, a world leading French grain cooperative. Speaking after the vote, Mr Pèes said:"I am honoured to be elected today and that the members of Cogeca have put their trust in me. I can only promise to continue the good work that has been initiated during the previous Presidency. It is of vital importance for all European agri-cooperatives that as we enter towards the final phase of the negotiations for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), we ensure a stronger role for agri-cooperatives in the future CAP. Strong agri-cooperatives are a prerequisite not only for a better functioning food chain, but also to defend the economic interests of European farmers as they strive to receive a fair share of the value created in the food chain”.

The Cogeca Praesidium also elected unanimously today two new Vice-Presidents, Ms Maria Antónia Figueiredo, who is Deputy Secretary-General of CONFAGRI, the Portuguese agri-cooperatives Confederation in Portugal and Mr Thomas Magnusson who is also the first Vice-President of LRF, the Federation of Swedish Farmers. Mr Magnusson runs a family farm (with his son) with beef and milk production, as well as forestry. Ms Maria Antónia Figueiredo is an olive oil producer and trained as an agronomist. Peter Vrisk will also remain first Vice -President of Cogeca. Mr Vrisk is President of the Cooperative Union of Slovenia (since 1996). He runs a 20 hectare family farm producing cereals, vegetables and fattening cattle. Eduardo Baamonde is also a Cogeca Vice-President. Currently he is Director General of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias. He is agronomist by training and he has also studied European policies in Brussels.
September 20, 2012 - Copa-Cogeca