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Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario and Hendrix Genetics announce sale of Gratal Farm and long-term partnership agreement

Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario and Hendrix Genetics are pleased to announce the signing of a groundbreaking agreement on December 1st, 2023, marking the sale of Gratal Farm and the establishment of a long-term partnership to drive innovation in genetic improvement programs within the swine sector.

5 February 2024

Located in Huesca, Spain, Gratal Farm has played an important role in the development of Hendrix Genetics swine breeding program. The sale of this facility is a strategic move by Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario and Hendrix Genetics to align their operations with the evolving landscape of genetic enhancement and technological advancements.

This milestone agreement solidifies a collaborative effort between Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario and Hendrix Genetics for the implementation of Hendrix Genetics' renowned breeding program in the Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario multiplier farms. The strategic focus of this partnership extends beyond traditional boundaries, encompassing the reinforcement of the Artificial Insemination Center, CIA SAN MATEO.

As part of the collaboration, both entities will engage in the comprehensive analysis of production data. This initiative aims to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence technologies to enhance the overall production efficiency of their farms. By incorporating cutting-edge technologies, the partnership seeks to elevate industry standards and pave the way for sustainable and efficient swine practices.

"This partnership signifies a commitment to innovation and excellence in genetic improvement programs," said Enrique Bascuas, Managing Director at Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario. "By integrating Hendrix Genetics' expertise and swine breeding program into our operations, we aim to optimize our swine practices and contribute to the overall advancement of the industry."

Hendrix Genetics, a global leader in animal genetics, is enthusiastic about the collaboration's potential. "We are excited to partner with Cooperativa Virgen del Rosario in this venture," stated Jose Maria Requejo, Managing Director at Hendrix Genetics Swine Spain. "Together, we will work towards the development of sustainable and high-performance genetic solutions that will benefit the swine community and contribute to global food security."

The sale of Gratal Farm and the establishment of this long-term partnership underscore both organizations' commitment to driving positive change in the swine sector. This collaboration represents a significant step towards achieving higher standards in genetic improvement programs and embracing technological advancements for the betterment of farming practices.

February 1, 2024 - Hendrix Genetics

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