
CP Foods assures meat with animal welfare practices is safe to consume

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL has developed animal welfare practices together with a biosecurity system to ensure healthy animals and safe, quality meats.

21 April 2021

Dr. Damnoen Chaturavittawong, DVM, Senior Vice President of Swine Veterinary Service and head of Preventive Measures of CP Foods’ Covid-19 Monitoring and Management Center, said food safety production for consumer’s good health is one of an important goal of CP Foods to develop food security. Since the outbreak of the virus Covid-19, CP Foods has announced strong preventive measures both in humans and animals. The measures are an important guideline and has been implemented in line with animal welfare practices, which is the fundamental of farming to ensure animal’s good health without suffering and sickness to create quality meat.

CP Foods also implemented a biosecurity system, which is the farm management to prevent diseases focusing on farm construction, closed-operating farm with temperature control system, well treat to animal such as traceable water and feed for instance. Moreover, the company has encouraged its farmers under the contract farming to undertake all animal welfare practices and efficient farm management to avoid any pandemic such as African Swine Fever (ASF) in pig and infectious diseases in humans like Covid-19. These practices have ensure food safety throughout the supply chain.

“Animal Welfare Principle draws to encourage the animal to grow naturally with happiness and strong health without any sicknesses and without risk factors which would affect to human beings such as the use of antibiotic or growth hormone. The principle has also guaranteed quality of meat and food safety throughout the supply chain,” said Dr. Damnoen.

CP Foods has been well accepted in the international arena. Latest, the company has been stepped up onto Tier 3 from Tier 4 in by the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare Report 2020 (BBFAW).

Moreover, CP Foods also concentrates on meat innovation for good health of humans such as Cheeva Pork with Omega 3 and selected pig breed throughout the innovative feeding practices. The company is also developing plant-based meat protein to create more consumer’s choices.

However, consumers have to focus on purchasing high quality meat by looking at symbol of Food and Drug Administration or “Pasusat OK”, which is the guarantee mark by the Livestock Development Department on the package of meat products with clear expired date. The most important practice for consumer is to cook all meat with appropriate temperature to prevent diseases.

April 20, 2021 - CP Foods

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