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Danish Genetics approved as official herd/breeding book keeper

The new Danish breeding company Danish Genetics has been approved to maintain officially recognised herd/breeding records by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark.

24 September 2018

Danish GeneticsThe approval of Danish Genetics means the breeding company is officially approved as a breeding association with an official breeding program following the current executive order and the forthcoming EU regulation. Thus, Danish Genetics is approved to issue official pedigrees on breeding animals that are part of the breeding company’s breeding program.

“It is a major breakthrough for Danish Genetics and our associated nucleus and multiplication herds, that finally we can extend pedigrees on our breeding animals,” says Mads Kring, Chairman of Danish Pig Genetics P/S.

A long battle about herd/breeding records

Danish Genetics’ application to become an official herd/breeding record keeper was a natural consequence of the rejection from the Danish Agriculture & Food Council to issue pedigrees to the nucleus and multiplication herds in Danish Genetics. This is even though the Danish Agriculture & Food Council has been prompted twice this year to hand over herd/breeding records immediately to the nucleus and multiplication farms behind Danish Genetics.

“The Danish Agriculture & Food Council deliberately tried to restrict competition by refusing to issue pedigrees for Danish Genetics breeding animals defying instructions that the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration had twice informed them that we had the legal right to receive,” Mads Kring explains.

Significant consequences

He continues explaining how the Danish Agriculture & Food Council’s refusal to hand in pedigrees has had noticeable consequences for Danish Genetics.

”Danish Genetics has experienced a positive improvement in the market since our launch. But we also know we have lost orders due to the lack of pedigree certificates. Throughout the year we’ve been in contact with many customers who have had interest in buying our breeding animals but have been forced to buy alternative genetics because they could not introduce them in their home country due to the lack of pedigree certificates,” Mads Kring says.

A good start despite resistance

Danish Genetics was founded in August and has had a very positive start despite opposition and legal challenges from the industry association, Danish Agriculture & Food Council.

“The founding of Danish Genetics with the close genetic cooperation with Roslin Technologies was very well received by our many customers and collaborators in Denmark and abroad. Customers across the world appreciate competition, and with our right to herd/breeding records we have secured free competition for the development and sale of Danish pig genetics globally,” says Mads Kring.

He expects Danish Genetics to take advantage of the new position as a herd/breeding book keeper by creating significant commercial progress.

“Now that we can manage herd/breeding books and thus meet all our customers’ needs, we are beyond the problem and are able to dedicate our full attention to our business and our customers. Our ambition is to be the pig producers’ preferred genetic partner and we strive to earn that position,” concludes Mads Kring.

September 20, 2018 - Danish Genetics

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