
Delivering Animal Welfare and Quality: Transparency in the food production chain

As part of Sweden’s efforts to strengthen animal welfare in the EU and internationally, the Ministry of Agriculture is arranging a conference on animal welfare during the Swedish Presidency of the EU.
10 June 2009
As part of Sweden’s efforts to strengthen animal welfare in the EU and internationally, the Ministry of Agriculture is arranging a conference on animal welfare during the Swedish Presidency of the EU.

The meeting is intended for representatives from the business sector and stakeholder organisations, as well as animal welfare experts and decision-makers in the field.
The conference will focus on the final results from the EU-financed research project, Welfare Quality. Since 2004, the project has been developing a scientifically based on-farm assessment system for evaluating how well livestock are cared for and ways to feed this information back to farmers, consumers and other stakeholders. Welfare Quality also developed tools and strategies to support implementation. Another topic of discussion at the conference will be how to improve global animal welfare.

The conference is free of charge but participants pay for their own travel and accommodation. The number of participants is limited. Hotel accommodation has been reserved in Uppsala and will be available for booking when registering to attend the conference, which can be done from July onwards. More detailed information and invitations will be sent out in June.


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