Dr Egbert Knol, research director of Topigs Norsvin, received the Dr George Foxcorft Lectureship during the Bannf Pork Seminar in Bannf, Canada. Egbert Knol was awarded this for his many contributions to pig breeding and breeding management as a result of his work to understand and select for important production traits like maternal traits, mothering ability and piglet survivability.
Each year one speaker attends the Banff Pork Seminar as part of a legacy of Dr George Foxcroft, swine research pioneer and industry icon. The lectureship has been established to allow the Banff Pork Seminar, in conjunction with the University of Alberta, to host speakers who are conducting high profile research that is applicable to the pork production industry and will potentially improve production efficiency.
Hans Olijslagers CTO of Topigs Norsvin has congratulated Egbert Knol with this award. "We are proud that he has been awarded this lectureship. It is a recognition of Egbert's tremendous work, talent and dedication. He has worked for many years in pig genetics and has realised many important breakthroughs.’’

January 27, 2015 - Topigs Norsvin