During the week of June 16th Purina will launch new and revised Swine Prestarter and Starter diets. The revisions are a result of merging the Cargill and Provimi nutritional knowledge into one formulation format called the “Cargill Nutrient System” (CNS). The CNS will better define the neonatal and young pig’s growth requirements, enhance ingredient evaluation plus incorporate the research knowledge from both companies into new specifications. The resulting diets will have superior formulation precision, more highly digestible ingredients and a new flavor to generate better intakes and improved feed costs.
The key updates are:
- A new Pig Tech “First”: which is a pelleted product to be fed to nursing piglets from 3 days of age up to a few days post weaning. This product is to supplement the sow’s milk and is high in milk products and sweeteners to encourage early intakes, bloom and growth.
- Pig Tech Early Wean, Wean, & Late Wean: have been modified with the new CNS formulation system and flavor additives to improve intake and performance.
- Pig Tech Early Wean, Wean & Transition “Select” products: are diets free of plasma and other porcine proteins. These diets are more expensive than their plasma based alternatives but are manufactured to specifically exclude the presence of all porcine proteins. As well, these diets have been formulated with the new CNS format.
- All Pig Tech diets include “microencapsulated zinc oxide” which respects the maximum legal level of 500 ppm Zn but offers a higher potency level and may eliminates the need for scripted higher levels of Zn depending on the specific situation.
- HO Pig Startena, HP Startena, Pig Startena Plus, and the Optimum/Associate Starter products have been updated using the new CNS format.
Customers moving to these new & revised prestarter and starter diets should see better intakes, improved performance and lower costs per kilo of gain.

June 17, 2014 - Purina