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EPA announces a new edition of the Jules Tournut Probiotics Prize

The European Probiotic Association (EPA) has the pleasure to announce the new edition of the Jules Tournut Probiotics Prize.

21 October 2015

EPAThe European Probiotic Association (EPA) has the pleasure to announce the new edition of the Jules Tournut Probiotics Prize.

Two prizes worth 1500 € will be awarded:
- One will concern scientific excellence,
- Other will concern innovation for industrial application.

It is addressed to young scientists from all countries working on probiotics with a PhD or Master Thesis published in 2014/2016.

Jules TournutScientific works should involve innovative concepts, practical applications, or advanced knowledge of mechanisms of action in the field of probiotics for animal feeding. Areas of recognized expertise are nutrition, physiology, microbiology and immunity.

The Jules Tournut Probiotics Prize will be granted during Eurotier in Hannover, November 15/18, 2016.

For further information and application form, please contact the EPA Secretary General at: secretarygeneral@asso-epa.org

Dossiers (English only) should be mailed electronically in a single pdf file to the EPA Secretary General (secretarygeneral@asso-epa.org), no later than February 29, 2016.

October 6, 2015, European Probiotic Association (EPA)

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