For ease of addition into vitamin and mineral premixes, Danisco Xylanase is available in a concentrated form; and for accurate inclusion directly into feed, a more dilute version of Danisco Xylanase is available.
Niels Otto Damholt, Danisco’s European Regional Director commented: "Managing feed costs continues to be one of the main focus areas for our customers. Danisco Xylanase has previously been authorised for broilers, layers, turkeys and ducks, and is a tried and trusted feed additive for improved performance in poultry. This new registration means that pig producers can now confidently use this reliable, proven efficacious additive to reduce feed costs and improve production of their stock.”
Danisco Xylanase, with registration number 4a11, has an approved piglet and fattening pig minimum dose of 2000U (50g per tonne of feed of the concentrated form) and is available in both liquid and dry product forms.