Some 2,400 exhibitors have already signed up to participate at EuroTier 2016, which takes place later this year in Hanover, Germany. More than 1,300 of these companies are coming from some 54 countries to exhibit at the event, which takes place from 15th to 18th November.
EuroTier organizer DLG is expecting the final exhibitor number to reach 2,500 by the time the exhibition gets underway in four months. The top international exhibitors that will be showcasing their innovations for the livestock sector at the event are the Netherlands with 230 companies, followed by China (170), France (150), Italy (130) and Turkey (60).
"The number of registrations already underlines EuroTier’s position as the world's leading exhibition for agricultural animal production," said EuroTier Project Manager Dr. Karl Schlösser. “The exceptionally high exhibitor interest from abroad already represents an increase of about one-third compared to 2014, which is a clear sign of the growing importance of the EuroTier as a hub for the international markets.”
Every aspect of livestock production is covered
With its comprehensive offering of products and services for animal production across all species, EuroTier is a key meeting place for livestock farmers wanting to learn what current solutions are available, as well as what will be coming in the future. The leading companies operating in the dairy, beef, pig and poultry sectors will all be represented in Hanover later this year with also a smaller section on sheep at the exhibition. And there will be a particularly strong poultry presence this year, as the World Poultry Show will also take place within EuroTier 2016.
The range of products and services on display at EuroTier this year will be larger than previous editions of the fair, especially in the cross-species sectors such as feedstuffs, equipment for milling, mixing and pelleting of feed, and animal health, but there will also be air conditioning equipment being shown this November.
Other areas covered at the fair include: breeding stock, breeding programs and reproduction technology; feed storage; animal housing, including controlled-environment technology; machinery and equipment for animal husbandry and feeding; milking equipment and milk storage systems; machinery and equipment for storing and handling solid and liquid manure; food processing equipment; and advisory, management and consultancy services.
bpt Congress again coincides with EuroTier
The German Federation of Veterinary Practitioners (bpt) is holding its annual congress and associated exhibition "Veterinary Medicine" to coincide with EuroTier 2016. Jointly organized by the DLG and bpt, the "International Animal Health Event" will also take place. This will serve veterinarians primarily in Germany but international veterinarians may take advantage too.
New: Special "Future-proofing pig finishing "
The way in which pigs are kept is no longer the focus of pig farmers alone. Increasingly, society in general is calling for more say in how animals are produced and the environment protected. In many countries, this has already resulted in policies being introduced to influence housing systems. But, how can we create enough confidence in the pig sector to encourage the investment required to improve existing housing and develop husbandry systems that take into account these new environmental and animal welfare objectives?
These questions will be answered at this year's EuroTier special feature targeted at the pig industry. "Future-proofing pig finishing", organized by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) together with Bauförderung Landwirtschaft (BFL), follows on from Specials examining novel ideas for the group housing of sows (2010), the management of farrowing sows (2012) and the care of piglets (2014).
Another issue that is becoming increasingly important is the search for alternative marketing opportunities for pigs. This is not only driven by the poor current financial returns, but also the ending of castration without anesthesia, which will require alternative production methods to be adopted.
The EuroTier Special will be closely integrated with, and sited near to the venue of, this year’s Pig Forum presentations. And independent consultants, as well as professional pig stockmen, will be present at the special feature to answer visitors’ questions and discuss the topics being presented.
New: Special "Indoor Emission Control – measures to reduce emissions"
Dust, ammonia and odor emissions from poultry buildings can affect the environment both inside and outside the barn. In this year’s EuroTier poultry special feature, exhibitors will provide information about “indoor” process-integrated measures to minimize these emissions. Methods will naturally include exhaust air purification systems that have clear anti-pollution effects, but there will also be other approaches and methods – including special bedding materials or litter additives, feed additives or customized feeding and air conditioning – that could also bring positive effects on animal health and animal welfare, and the working conditions of the stockmen.
The special feature will be situated close to, and planned in coordination with, the presentation series in the Poultry Forum. Here poultry experts will be available to answer questions and to take part in discussions on forum topics.
Future forum on professional animal husbandry
EuroTier provides the world’s leading forum looking at the future of professional animal husbandry. Here, technology trends related to modern animal husbandry and animal breeding are traditionally identified and fully explored.
Together with partners from industry, academia, consultancy, associations and organizations, the DLG will once again present an extensive technical program to complement the offerings of the exhibitors. This will include international conferences and events on current trends and important developments in the industry.
On the eve of the exhibition opening (November 14, 2016), the Hanover Fairgrounds Convention Center (CC) will become the meeting places for top international farmers and advisors taking part in the EuroTier Cattle & Pig Event and the International Poultry Event. These are important events for knowledge exchange that will take on current topics and thus provide pioneering insights from high-level speakers.
Young Farmers Day
Also looking to the future, EuroTier 2016 will again feature a "young farmers’ day", on November 17, for young farmers and students of agriculture from home and abroad. The program includes a EuroTier jobs forum, a future farmers Congress and meeting places to meet and exchange experiences with other young farmers. The highlight of the day, however, will be the popular "Young Farmers Party".
Campus & Career
With the Campus & Career section at EuroTier 2016, DLG offers a platform for professionals looking for a career in science and research. Taking place in Hall 26, this section provides the opportunity to get in touch with companies looking for staff to inform themselves, as well as finding out about possible teaching, study or training opportunities, or even the latest developments in research.

July 27, 2016 - Eurotier