A total of 2,499 visitors were interviewed at various locations at the exhibition, and the following tables have been collated from the wealth of data collected.
Where did the visitors come from?
41% Northern Germany (Niedersachsen, Schleswig Holstein, Hamburg and Bremen) (38%)
18% West Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) (18%)
19% Southern (Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) (21%)
10% West Germany (Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland) (11%)
12% East Germany (New Federal States and Berlin) (12%)
22% From outside Germany (19%)
In which sector of the industry did the visitors work?
66% Farmers (including Forestry, Contractors, Machinery Rings) (2014: 69%)
10% Feed and pharmaceutical industries / Other industrial (8%)
5% Trading / Sales (4%)
5% Other services (5%)
2% Veterinarians (3%)
2% Processing of animal products (1%)
1% Engineers / Planning offices (1%)
9% Other areas (including university / high / technical school) (9%)
Visitors’ reasons for visiting EuroTier 2016?
33% To talk with manufacturers (2014: 31%)
32% Information on innovations and trends (31%)
28% Market and supply information (23%)
25% Information on products / systems / applications (23%)
22% Meeting with colleagues (19%)
16% maintenance of existing Ges chäftsverbindungen (13%)
15% Investment preparation (15%)
15% Making new business connections (13%)
12% To search international products / solutions (11%)
8% Professional (re-)orientation and job search (6%)
7% Technical program (ideas, forums, conferences) (7%)
(Multiple answers permitted)
The animal species visitors were particularly interested in?
59% Cattle (2014: 61%)
38% Pigs (37%)
29% Poultry (16%)
11% Horses (11%)
11% Sheep / Goats (8%)
8% Aquaculture (8%)
6% Other animals (5%)
(Multiple answers permitted)
Which sections of the exhibition were visitors particularly interested in?
49% Feed and other farming inputs (2014: 30%)
48% Management and feeding technology (48%)
45% Farm buildings (44%)
31% Feed production and storage (38%)
27% Equipment, accessories and spare parts (24%)
21% Technology for solid and liquid manure (20%)
21% Management advice (19%)
17% Bioenergy and local energy supply (17%)
17% Transport vehicles and transport services (16%)
16% Produce processing and marketing (11%)
14% Environmental issues (13%)
(Multiple answers permitted)
Which animal species did the visitors have?
42% Dairy cows (2014: 45%)
31% Beef cattle (26%)
30% Finishing pigs (31%)
16% Breeding pigs (19%)
12% laying hens / pullets (9%)
11% Horses (9%)
8% Fat calves (7%)
7% Sheep / Goats (6%)
5% Broilers (3%)
2% Turkeys (3%)
2% Fish (2%)
(Multiple answers permitted)
Visitors’ overall impression of EuroTier 2016?
81% Very good and good (2014: 80%)
17% Satisfactory (17%)
2% Less satisfactory and unsatisfactory (3%)

November 21, 2016 - Eurotier